Tag Archives: Jesus the healer

Healed from “Suicide Disease”


Healed from “Suicide Disease” with a Touch and a Prayer

700 Club Producer

“Out of nowhere I just had this lightning bolt of piercing, burning pain.  It was the most excruciating pain I’ve ever felt in my life, come into the upper part of my left cheek and just pierce straight through my face,” said Chris Carlson. 

It was 1997, when 25-year-old Chris Carlson started having the attacks. At first they lasted a few seconds but every day they returned, more painful, and more often.  

“Chris would have one of the shocks, the pain in her face.  I could see it instantly.  Her eye would close up, her face would kind of scrunch up,” said Chris’ husband, Dave.

“My face would swell up with the pain and so literally my face would constrict,” said Chris. 

Doctors couldn’t find the cause, and the faintest touch on her face or exposure to light would trigger an episode.  The pain from her sensitivity to light became so debilitating, she had to leave her job as an engineer and isolate herself from friends. 

“Our house was becoming darker and darker and darker.  I mean a light bulb would go out and we wouldn’t replace it.  And so literally it was dark and emotionally it was dark,” she said.

Finally after six years, doctors discovered Chris had a rare, chronic pain condition called TN or Trigeminal Neuralgia.  It affects the trigeminal nerve that carries sensation to the face and brain.  It’s also known as the Suicide Disease.  “Because people just can’t get out of the pain.  And so they will eventually take their own life,” Chris explained. 

“It was very stressful.  It controlled everything about our lives.  Every decision that was made was controlled by the pain,” said Dave. 

For the next nine years, doctors treated Chris with medications, injections, and surgeries but they provided only temporary relief.  Chris and Dave say during this time they prayed for everything – except healing. 

“We prayed to get the right doctor who would know what was going on. We prayed to get the right procedure, but never did we know to just pray to take it away,” Chris said.

So with all her options exhausted, Chris asked God to help her cope with the pain.

“You have to help me.  I can’t do this…. A lot of just looking for strength.  I was understanding I was going to have to live with this.  ‘Well if I have to live with it God, you have to help me to live with it!  I can’t do it all by myself so you’re going to have to step in and help me.’”

In August 2012, Dave encouraged her to attend a healing service hosted by a local pastor, Tim McCarthy. 

suicidediseaseThe guest speaker was Marlene Klepees, a woman healed of Cerebral Palsy.  Pastor Tim introduced her by showing her story that once aired on The 700 Club

Chris said, “Afterwards Pastor Tim said, ‘Marlene will pray for people if you’d like prayer.’  So I look at Dave and I’m like, ‘Okay let’s go. Time to go home.’  He’s like, ‘Are you kidding?  You are going up for prayer.’” 

Reluctantly she went forward.  “I said, ‘Look, I don’t believe in this whole healing business.’ And she looked and she says ‘Okay.’”

Marlene remembers, “I was like, ‘Okay, I’ll believe for you.  That’s not a hard task.’ Then I remember feeling that it was very important to touch the side of her face.”

“Nobody ever touched my face because it would just elicit extreme pain.  So she puts her hand on my face and says just a simple prayer.  She’s getting very bouncy and joyous and she’s like, ‘Oh, I didn’t expect that.  There it is!’  And of course I don’t say ‘Yes, I’m feeling heat in the back of my neck.’  She finishes the prayer and says ‘Okay.’ Then I say, ‘Thank you very much.  Have safe travels home.’”

As the couple headed home a tingling sensation spread throughout the left side of Chris’ face. 

For 25 minutes I had that.  And then I had nothing.  My face just opened up.  My eye opened and I had no pain.  We were both just confused.  Where’s the pain?  It had been 15 years! It was gone.”

17022315_1867722066842236_1488910348571738507_nChris was in awe of what God had done.  “In that moment I was quiet. The pain was gone but there was no reason for me to be healed.  I wasn’t in the Word all the time.  I wasn’t actively asking for healing.  And I was healed, only because He loves me.”

Chris and Dave say the miracle made them reevaluate their priorities.  They quit their jobs and sold their belongings. Today they travel as missionaries and spread the word about God’s healing power. 

“Because He’s absolutely incredible – that I could go from being so sick, to this.  It’s just amazing and we have the most blessed life,” said Chris.

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Marlene Klepees Healing Ministry


Marlene Klepees Will Be Sharing Her Testimony and Ministering To the Sick for 2 Services Sunday March 12th at 9 am and 6 pm bring and invite your friends and family to hear her Testimony and receive ministry.
Born with Cerebral Palsy, orphaned before the age of two, raised by great-grandparents, the first two years of Marlene’s life set the pace for the next several years. Because of the Cerebral Palsy, her vision, speech and motor skills were greatly affected. At the age of five, Marlene was finally able to walk with the aid of braces and a walker.

17022315_1867722066842236_1488910348571738507_nIn December of 1980, Marlene had seizures that lasted for two days. She had  apparently hit her head, causing additional brain stem injuries. At 18, Marlene was a quadriplegic, in a fetal position, barely able to communicate. A total care nursing home was the only option for her life. She was taken to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota where doctors assessed the damage of the latest brain injury. While there, God gave her a vision that He was going to heal her on March 29, 1981. THREE WEEKS AWAY! During an interesting and at times funny series of events, the Lord was able to bring everything into line so that the miraculous could happen … exactly as seen in Marlene’s vision.

Since that miraculous day Marlene has told her story on TBN, the 700 Club, The Sid Roth show, as well as on other television and radio shows and at many conferences and churches. She has held healing seminars and has a burning desire to share the message that God’s healing power is for everyone. You don’t need a vision to experience it; it’s a promise to those who believe. Mark 16: 17-18.

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Please God, May I Have Some Healing?

Please Sir, May I have Some More?

Please Sir, may I have some more?

Does God still heal? Theologically most Christians believe that God can heal, that He is able to intervene into the affairs of man, yet most of us have little certainty that He will heal. We approach God asking for physical healing like that famous scene from Oliver Twist. Oliver, who toils with very little food, remains in the workhouse for months. One day, the desperately hungry boys decide to draw lots; the loser must ask for another portion of gruel. The task falls to Oliver, who at the next meal tremblingly comes up forward, bowl in hand, and begs Mr. Bumble for gruel with his famous request: “Please, sir, May I have some more!”.  We so often approach the throne of Heaven as though we ourselves were beggars and thieves who are expecting to be struck rather than loved and cared for. We look at God the Father, as one who at any moment might smite us! Nothing could be further from the truth.

“We are all the product of a culture of highly developed unbelief.” Bill Johnson

You’re not an orphan or a beggar. You’re a son. You’re a daughter of the King of Kings. You’ve been given direct access to His Throne room. There’s no waiting room hoping to see His majesty. He welcomes His sons and daughters into his inner courts! You’re not imposing upon the LORD when you approach Him. What would it look like if the body of Christ was actually a “Culture of highly developed belief?”  That we actually expected that God would act upon our behalf, that our prayers were actually heard and effective.

JesusHealsBlindHow did Jesus approach healing the sick? Did He timidly ask the Father for healing? Did He passively pray, “If it be Thy will?” No, never! He knew the Father’s heart, character and Word on the matter. Interesting to note, Jesus didn’t heal every sick person, but everyone Jesus prayed for was healed! The issue may be more complex than a 60 second sound bite from a Televangelist but you can be certain when you read the scriptures old and new healing is in His heart. That sickness, disease, and death were never apart of His original design.  He told the Disciples “Greater works than these…” the ache in my heart is that these words may suggest there’s more healing to be had this side of eternity than we’ve been lead to believe. I long to grow a “a highly developed culture of belief,” in my heart, family, and community. If that’s your heart’s cry then I invite you to join us this week on a journey into the Scriptures on the subject of Divine Healing. It’s gonna be fun!

“The foundation upon which we build is Jesus. Our understanding of healing must be firmly fixed upon His character and person rather than our tradition or experience. John G. Lake, Wigglesworth, Dowie and so many others were successful in healing ministry because of their simple declaration – “Christ is all”. We preach – Christ – not an idea, not a theology not an interpretation of the truth, but a person – who is the final communication of God concerning Himself. He is the healer, He is the restorer, He is the re-builder of broken lives. The world is desperate for Jesus, but they cannot see Him. The Church must be His Body in the world – preaching the same Gospel of hope and deliverance, manifesting the mercy and grace of God in tangible ways, demonstrating His love.”Kevin Matthews

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