Tag Archives: Mark 16 heal the sick

Does God “Make” People Sick? Does God Still Heal?

jesus_healing_blindDoes God place sickness and disease upon people? Whenever I am asked this question my response is always the same. The author of the book of Hebrews declares Jesus is  the exact representation of His (the Father) nature (Hebrews 1:3). Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing and only spoke what He heard Abba saying. Jesus is perfect revelation of the Father. Did Jesus ever put sickness and disease upon anyone whom He was ministering? What about Peter or the boys when they needed rebuke or correction? Did He say to Peter, “Your a slow student so maybe a little cancer will help you learn?” No Jesus never put sickness or disease upon anyone. He was moved with compassion, in many places it says he healed them ALL.

People ask, “What about Job?”  I tell them, “I’m not a disciple of Job; I’m a disciple of Jesus.” Job was the question; Jesus is the answer. If I read Job and it doesn’t lead me to Jesus, then I never understood the book.

Jesus made it clear the Devil is the one who is out to kill, steal, and destroy. As omnipotent and omniscient the Father is certainly able to outwit the enemy. For example I have an elementary understanding of the game of chess, should I play against a champion, I will have the opportunity to make moves, regardless of my moves the champion will always win. So yes the LORD can use what the enemy means for harm. Yet the subtle belief that God causes sickness or uses it as a preferred training method, robs us of something very powerful; our inheritance and His promises.God is a healer, a restorer, and loving Father. Jesus said, healing was the children’s bread. A loving Father gives what we have need of when we ask!

Pray for the sick, because God still heals! What if I pray and don’t get healed? Let’s talk about that next time.


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